Indonesian footwear company Wakai and the Bali Police destroyed 600 counterfeit goods in May, parent company Metroxgroup said in a statement. The fake Wakai-branded goods were confiscated from outlets in Bali. “They were destroyed to eliminate the goods’ function and original character to prevent them from being reused. If previously we burned the counterfeit goods, now we rip or cut the goods into pieces,” said Metroxgroup legal representative Cesar Resha. Aside from handing over all fake Wakai goods in their possession, the sellers and manufacturers were required to make public apologies and pay compensation for losses.
Previously, the brand confiscated thousands of counterfeit Wakai goods in West Jakarta, Bandung and Banten from October to November 2017. The goods were subsequently destroyed. Assed Lussak, Metroxgroup’s head of marketing, said fake goods posed a threat to customers as well as the company. “Customers could get low-quality goods if they don’t know they purchased fake goods, and that in turn will harm the company’s image,” he added. He said Metroxgroup would carry out spot checks for counterfeit goods at malls and online marketplaces. The Indonesian footwear brand, known for its slip-on trademark shoes, was founded in 2012 and is said to be inspired by Japanese lifestyles.